Controlling Pool Equipment Noise Levels | Pool Filter Box™

State Regulations for controlling Pool equipment noise levels, using pool filter covers/ pool filter boxes/pool filter enclosures to control the noise levels.

Controlling Pool Equipment Noise Levels

Controlling Pool Equipment Noise Levels

Pool pumps and pool filters are essential pieces of equipment that keep the water clean, clear, and healthy. However, they can be quite loud when in operation which can disturb neighbours or infringe on council regulations.

To ensure residential areas remain as peaceful as possible, building regulations in all states across Australia require active pool equipment to be housed in a suitable soundproof enclosure. Regulations between different states vary slightly, but most councils require the volume to be no more than 5db at the nearest residential boundary.

That’s why you need Pool Filter Box. Our enclosures are specially designed to both protect pool equipment and significantly reduce the noise level.

Our soundproof enclosures

At Pool Filter Box, we blend principles of intelligent design, high-quality materials, and exceptional construction to create filter boxes that significantly reduce audible sound. In fact, our boxes reduce noise levels by up to 80%, as certified by an acoustic engineer.

But just how do we achieve such effective noise reduction?

It starts with a thick layer of Australian-made acoustic foam that is industrially affixed to the interior of the box panels. Our chosen foam is denser than other products available on the market, increasing the effectiveness of our pool filter box soundproofing.

This combines with the physical design of the assembled enclosure to ensure optimal noise reduction and compliance with council regulations.

The regulations

State and council regulations can include restrictions on when you can operate pool pumps, as well as sound limitations. Before installing a pool or pool equipment, make sure to check the regulations specific to your state and suburb. Below, we’ve illustrated a few examples of state & council legislations:

100% Australian-owned and operated, Pool Filter Box is a high-quality manufacturer and supplier of pool filter enclosures (sheds, covers and boxes.) Our 100% galvanized steel enclosures are pre-fabricated to your size specifications and delivered directly to your doorstep.

Aesthetically minimalist, completely affordable and easily self-installable, our premium quality pool filter enclosures are well-padded with acoustic foam to reduce equipment noise levels by 70%. Love how your pool area looks with Pool Filter Box’s stylish yet practical enclosures.

For queries, contact us at (02) 9620 5430 or write to us at